
Hands-on Project 11-1

Date: Monday, August 23, 2010

Hands-on Project 11-1 : Installing Hash Generators and Comparing Hashes.

To begin with this practical, I go to http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/ to get md5deep.

This is the download page. I clicked on Windows Binary and downloaded the lastest version of the program.

I get the md5deep-3.6.zip file. After I unzip it, this is what I see.

Next, I go on to create a word document, which will be used to test hash algorithms.

I opened command prompt.
For the 3rd line, I navigated to the folder that contains the downloaded files.
4th line, an MD5 hash of Country1.docx is created
5th line, an MD5 hash of MD5DEEP.txt is created
6th line, an MD5 hash of Country2.docx is created

1st line, an MD5 hash of sha1deep.exe is created

2nd line, an MD5 hash of sha256deep.exe is created
3rd line, an MD5 hash of  whirlpooldeep.exe is created


Qns: What is the length of the hash generated for country.doc and MD5DEEP.txt?

Ans: The length of the hash generated for the two documents is the same.
Qns: Looking at the hash, can you find any letters ranging from letter 'g' to 'z'? Why? What number system is the hash represented?
Ans: I can't find any letters ranging from letter 'g' to 'z'. This is becuase the hash represented Hexadecimal number system which is only up to letter "f".
Qns:What is the length of the hashes in terms of bits?
Ans: 1 character = 1 byte = 8 bits
16 characters × 8 bits = 128 bits
From this hands-on project, I learnt that hashes have same length, a hash of a short set of data will produce the same length as a hash of a long set of data. This is shown by comparing the hashes for Country1.docx and MD5DEEP.txt. Secondly, two different sets of data cannot produce the same hash. Just like the example I did for this practical, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." and "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country" produce two different hash, although there is only a slight difference with the two sets of data, ".".

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